Dr. Jeevan Prakash Verma, Ph.D.
(Lucknow), Dr. Rer. Nat. (Munich), FNASc, FNA, Ex- Professor, Division of Mycology
and Plant Pathology, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi –
110012, India, was the recipient of the Birbal Sahni Memorial Gold Medal for
standing first class first at the M.Sc. (Botany) examination and the Ruchi Ram
Sahni Research Prize in Botany for best thesis. He was awarded the Hexamar
Award for cotton improvement. He is working on the bacterial diseases of plants
and has published more than 135 research papers and 16 books including a book
on Bacterial Blight of Cotton published in 1986 by the CRC Press, Florida,
U.S.A. He has organized/participated in various national/international
conferences/symposia/congress as convener/chairman. He was in the editorial
board of various journals. Dr. Verma passed away on September 4, 2005.
1958-1961 Research Scholar, Botany Department, LucknowUniversity, Lucknow.
1961-1969 Lecturer, Department of Botany, Kalyani
University, Kalyani, Distt.Nadia, West Bengal.
1969 - Scientist, Division of Mycology and
Plant Pathology, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi (joined IARI
in Readers Grade in May 1969, inducted in ARS in 1975, promoted in 1976, 1982);
looking after PG-School work since 1988.
- - Birbal Sahni Memorial Gold Meal for standing first class first at the
M.Sc. examination in 1958.
- - New Pusa Recreation Club Silver Jubilee Medal for sports organization at
IARI 1983.
- - Awarded several medals and prizes in sports, PEC, St. John Ambulance and
studies in college days.
Research Prize/National Award
- - Ruchi Ram Sahni Research Prize in Botany
for the best piece of research work carried out at the Lucknow
University during the preceeding three sessions in 1960.
- - Hexamar Award in December, 1981 for cotton improvement (jointly with Dr.
R.P. Singh, my student and colleague)
- - Platinum jubilee lecture in the section of Agricultural Sciences, 79th
session of Indian Science Congress Association (ISCA); to be delivered on 5th
January, 1992 at Vadodara.
- - Mundkur Memorial Lecture, Indian Phytopathological Society; to be
delivered on 30th December, 1991 at Bhavanagar.
- - Delivered several other invitational lectures in India and abroad
including Botanisches Institut, Munich; Technical University, Darmstadt; Botany
Department, Delhi University.
- - Government Merit Scholarship (1956-58) on the basis of B.Sc. results and
merit position in the University.
- - Research Training Scholarship (1958-1961) on the basis of M.Sc. results.
- - DAAD Fellowship, for a study-cum-information trip to West Germany (1978,
three months).
- - Recommended by the Government of India for the Royal Commission for the
exhibition of 1851 – science research scholarship for 1964 to the UK under the
British Commonwealth University Interchange Scheme.
- - Selected in the INSA bilateral exchange programme to visit Germany
(1991-92, for three weeks).
Membership of Scientific Societies
- - Fellow of the Indian National Sconce Academy (FNA)
- - Fellow of the National Academy of Sciences, India (FNASc)
- - Foundation Fellow of National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, India
- - Fellow of the Indian Phytopathological Society (FPSI)
- - Life member of Society of Plant Pathologists, Lucknow; Indian Sciences
Congress Association, Calcutta.
Office in academic/advisory bodies
- - President, Section of Agricultural Sciences, 77th Session of
Indian Science Congress Association, held at Cochin (January, 1990).
- - Member, Sectional Committee, INSA, Plant Sciences (1991).
- - Member, Pathology Panel, ICAR (1989-92).
- - Convener, Cotton Group, IARI, New Delhi (1977-80)
- - Member of various examination/selection/screening committees
Scientific editorship
- - Chief Editor, Indian Phytopathology, New Delhi (1986-88, 1989-91).
- - Editor, Indian Phytopathology (1980-82)
- - Editor, Review of Tropical Plant Pathology, New Delhi (since 1984).
- - Edited several volumes like “Technology Blending and Agrarian
Prosperity”, 1990, 180 pp; “Farming Systems and Integrated Pest Management”,
1992; “Vistas in Plant Pathology”, 1986, 593 pp; “Current Trends in Plant
Pathology”, 1974, 342 pp.
- -Editorial collaborator for various other journals and volumes
Author of books
- - Bacterial Blight of Cotton, Boca Raton, Florida, USA, 1986, 278 pp.
- - The Bacteria, MPH, New Delhi, 1987, 211 pp.
- - General Bacteriology (in Hindi, in collaboration with Dr. R.P. Singh),
published by the Commission for Sci. & Tech. Terminology, New Delhi, 1988,
294 pp.